
Trump criticized my silence. He knows nothing about true sacrifice. De Ghazala Khan

washington postGhazala Khan’s son, U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, was killed in Iraq in 2004.

Ghazala Khan; Donald Trump. (Toni L. andys/Post; AP)

Ghazala Khan; Donald Trump. (Toni L. andys/Post; AP)

Ghazala Khan, 31 julio 2016 / THE WASHINGTON POST

Donald Trump has asked why I did not speak at the Democratic convention. He said he would like to hear from me. Here is my answer to Donald Trump: Because without saying a thing, all the world, all America, felt my pain. I am a Gold Star mother. Whoever saw me felt me in their heart.

Donald Trump said I had nothing to say. I do. My son Humayun Khan, an Army captain, died 12 years ago in Iraq. He loved America, where we moved when he was 2 years old. He had volunteered to help his country, signing up for the ROTC at the University of Virginia. This was before the attack of Sept. 11, 2001. He didn’t have to do this, but he wanted to.

When Humayun was sent to Iraq, my husband and I worried about his safety. I had already been through one war, in Pakistan in 1965, when I was just a high school student. So I was very scared. You can sacrifice yourself, but you cannot take it that your kids will do this.

Video: «You have sacrificed nothing»
Humayun Khan was an American Muslim Army soldier who died serving the U.S. after 9/11. His father, Khizr Khan, spoke at the Democratic National Convention and offered a strong rebuke of Donald Trump, saying, «Have you even read the United States Constitution?»

We asked if there was some way he could not go, because he had already done his service. He said it was his duty. I cannot forget when he was going to the plane, and he looked back at me. He was happy, and giving me strength: “Don’t worry, Mom. Everything will be all right.”

The last time I spoke to my son was on Mother’s Day 2004. We had asked him to call us collect whenever he could. I begged him to be safe. I asked him to stay back, and not to go running around trying to become a hero, because I knew he would do something like that.

He said, “Mom, these are my soldiers, these are my people. I have to take care of them.” He was killed by a car bomber outside the gates of his base. He died trying to save his soldiers and innocent civilians.

That is my son. Humayun was always dependable. If I was vacuuming the house and he was home, he would take the vacuum from my hand and clean the house. He volunteered to teach disabled children in the hospital how to swim. He said, “I love when they have a little bit of progress and their faces, they light up. At least they are that much happy.” He wanted to be a lawyer, like his father, to help people.

Humayun is my middle son, and the others are doing so well, but every day I feel the pain of his loss. It has been 12 years, but you know hearts of pain can never heal as long as we live. Just talking about it is hard for me all the time. Every day, whenever I pray, I have to pray for him, and I cry. The place that emptied will always be empty.

I cannot walk into a room with pictures of Humayun. For all these years, I haven’t been able to clean the closet where his things are — I had to ask my daughter-in-law to do it. Walking onto the convention stage, with a huge picture of my son behind me, I could hardly control myself. What mother could? Donald Trump has children whom he loves. Does he really need to wonder why I did not speak?

Donald Trump said that maybe I wasn’t allowed to say anything. That is not true. My husband asked me if I wanted to speak, but I told him I could not. My religion teaches me that all human beings are equal in God’s eyes. Husband and wife are part of each other; you should love and respect each other so you can take care of the family.

When Donald Trump is talking about Islam, he is ignorant. If he studied the real Islam and Koran, all the ideas he gets from terrorists would change, because terrorism is a different religion.

Donald Trump said he has made a lot of sacrifices. He doesn’t know what the word sacrifice means.

La respuesta de Trump:

„Suspicion of Treason“: German Federal Attorney General Announces Investigation Against Us In Addition To Our Sources

La fiscalía federal alemana ha abierto una investigación por «traición a la patria» contra dos editores de la publicación «», por iniciativa del servicio secreto interno de la República. es una plataforma alemana para los derechos de libertad digital. Publica sobre los temas de Internet, sociedad y política. Es muy leido por políticos, académicos y periodistas alemanes. En agosto recibirá un reconocimiento como «sitio WEB distinguido, otorgado por la iniciativa «Alemania, país de ideas», que es un esfuerzo conjunto del gobierno alemán y la empresa privada, presidida por el presidente federal Joachim Gauck.

Segunda Vuelta

Building of the Attorney General in Karlsruhe. Image: Voskos. Licence: Creative Commons BY 3.0.

Building of the Attorney General in Karlsruhe. Image: Voskos. Licence: Creative Commons BY 3.0.

Anna Biselli, 30 agosto 2015 / NETZPOLITIK

If it were up to the Federal Attorney General and the President of the German Domestic Security Agency, two of our reporters would soon be in prison for at least two years. Today, we were officially informed about investigations against our Markus Beckedahl, Andre Meister and an „unknown“ party. The accusation: Treason.

This is an English translation of the original German article.

Today, we received a letter from the Federal Attorney General of Germany confirming ongoing investigations against our reporters Markus Beckedahl, Andre Meister and an „unknown“ source, suspecting us of treason according to the German Penal Code:

Whosoever […] allows a state secret to come to the attention of an unauthorised person or to become known to the public in order to prejudice the Federal Republic of Germany or benefit a foreign power and thereby creates a danger of serious prejudice to the external security of the Federal Republic of Germany, shall be liable to imprisonment of not less than one year.

Until now, we were reported merely as witnesses in the case, but now we shall be held responsible (for treason) like our unknown source(s) – as joint principals.

This is an attack on press freedom! The last charges of treason against journalists in Germany have been a very long time ago, notably the Spiegel Affair of 1962.

From the very beginning, the charges against our alleged source(s) were politically motivated and targeted to crush the neccessary public debate about internet surveillance Post-Snowden. Whistleblowers in the public intrerest need protection, not prosecution as „treason“. Investigating the acclaimed media outlet as accomplices in treason charges is a direct attack on freedom of the press, which we thought was outlawed with the Constitutional Court ruling in the Cicero case 2007.

The Federal Attorney General needs to drop the investigations against us and our alleged source(s) and instead investigate and charge out-of-control secret services, that are expanding their mass surveillance without public debate.

We will not let ourselves be intimidated by the investigations and we will continue our critical and indepentent journalism – complete with original documents. is financed by voluntary donations.

As a nicely-timed coincidence, next Wednesday we will receive an award as „Distinct Place“ from „Germany – Land of Ideas“, a joint initiative of the German government and industry – patron is Federal President Joachim Gauck.

Read the original German letter of the Federal Attorney General in full text:

Landesverrat: Post vom Generalbundesanwalt.

Der Generalbundesanwalt24th July 2015

Federal Attorney General
at the Federal Supreme Court

The Federal Attorney General . post office box 27 20 . 76014 Karlsruhe

Mr. Markus Beckedahl

File number

3 BJs 13/15-1
(please quote if you answer)


Senior public prosecutor at the Federal Court

Concerning: Preliminary investigation by public prosecution against

  1. Andre Meister
  2. Markus Beckedahl
  3. Unknown

concerning suspicion of treason; here the disclosure of the initiation of a preliminary investigation by public prosecution

Dear Markus Beckedahl,

With regard to the provision of § 78c paragraph1 number 1 version 2 of the German Penal and Code tied with § 22 paragraph 1 alternative 2 of the Berlin Presslaw, I am informing you that because of complaints from the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution against you, I am initiating a Preliminary investigation because of the suspicion of treason appropriate to § 94 paragraph 1 number 2, 25 paragraph 2, 53 Federal Penal Code. Subject of the investigation is the publification of the following two articles on the blog „“. You are the person of responsibility for the blog. On February 25th 2015 at 10:40, an article with the title „Geheimer Geldregen: Verfassungsschutz arbeitet an Massenauswertung von Internetinhalten (Updates)“ (Secret Moneyrain: Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution is working on mass analysis of internet content) was published. Following that on the 15th of April 2015 at 9:05, there was another article published with the title „Geheime Referatsgruppe: Wir präsentieren die neue Verfassungsschutz-Einheit zum Ausbau der Internetüberwachung“ (Secret unit group: we are presenting the new Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution-Unit concerning the extension of internet surveillance, which is also available in English since the 15th of April 2015 20:10.

Sincerely yours,

by order of


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Fiscalía alemana investiga a un blog periodístico por presunta alta traición

Berlín, 30 jul (EFE).- La Fiscalía general alemana está investigando al blog periodístico «» por un presunto delito de alta traición, tras haber revelado informes internos de la Oficina Federal de Protección de la Constitución (BfV), los servicios secretos de Interior.

Según publicó «», los responsables del blog han sido informados hoy oficialmente de la investigación, después de que la BfV presentara una denuncia ante la Oficina de Investigación Criminal (BKA) en Berlín.

El caso ha hecho recordar lo que se denominó «caso Spiegel», la demanda por alta traición presentada en 1962 contra la revista alemana por publicar en plena Guerra Fría un artículo sobre unas maniobras de la OTAN y los planes de compra de armas del entonces ministro de Defensa, Franz Josef Strauss.

El director de «Der Spiegel», Rudolf Augstein, pasó tres meses en la cárcel y el autor del artículo fue detenido en España, pero el caso derivó en una campaña de solidaridad con el semanario y en favor de la libertad de expresión, además de en un escándalo político que culminó con el relevo de Strauss.

En esta ocasión la demanda contra «» se presentó después de que el blog publicara en primavera extractos de un informe de la BfV clasificado como confidencial y dirigido a una de las comisiones del Bundestag (Cámara Baja).

Los documentos se centraban en la creación de una unidad para la vigilancia de Internet y para la detección y el análisis de perfiles de radicales y extremistas en las redes sociales.

Por su parte, el diario «Süddeutsche Zeitung» informa de que los servicios secretos de Interior han presentado otra denuncia contra este periódico y las emisoras públicas regionales «NDR» y «WDR».

En este caso se les denuncia por la difusión de otro informe confidencial sobre un presunto informante de los servicios secretos relacionado con el escándalo de la célula neonazi terrorista Clandestinidad Nacionalsocialista (NSU), que durante una década asesinó a nueve extranjeros y una policía.

Por el momento, en este caso la Fiscalía general no ha decidido la apertura de ninguna investigación.

El delito de alta traición engloba la revelación de secretos de Estado a una potencia extranjera y también su difusión pública por parte de una persona no autorizada para perjudicar a Alemania o beneficiar a un tercer país.